Originally from Stockholm in Sweden, Siv moved to Los Angeles in 1998. Siv is married with one son. She loves to write in both English and Swedish and her articles cover all aspects of infertility, pregnancy issues and parenting and is also an active member of the babiesbase forum where she is currently a moderator.
Originally a trained medical microbiologist Siv now works for Babiesbase as its webmaster.

Best Time to Get Pregnant
So you have decided that you are ready to begin trying to conceive and you can't wait to get started. This is a very exciting time, but do you know the time of the month that you are most likely to conceive? Tracking your fertility can make getting pregna... 

Is Clomid right for you?
You have almost certainly heard of Clomid, but how does it work, and is it suitable for you? This article discusses the issues.Clomid or Clomid Citrate is a drug which induces ovulation, it is the most common form of fertility treatment. First off your do... 

Is picky eating a cause for concern?
Are you the parent of a toddler who is also a picky eater? Most toddlers go through at least a brief phase where they are very picky about what they will eat. Some children remain picky eaters through a large portion of their childhood. Most recent studie... 

Early Pregnancy Symptoms
There are some symptoms that may indicate that you have conceived before a pregnancy test will be able to show you a positive result. Cramping can be one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. This symptom is kind of tricky because some women do experience c... 

Pregnancy Week 37
Pregnancy Week 37It’s natural that expecting mothers want to know everything about their baby at every stage of the pregnancy. When you understand what’s happening at each week, you will be better prepared to deal with the discomforts and unce... 

Pregnancy week 36
Pregnancy Week 36Becoming a mother is always an exciting time, no matter how many children you already have. As you get closer to the anticipated due date, it’s understandable that you are becoming more anxious to see and hold your baby. At week 36,... 

Diaper Rash what does it look like
Diaper or Nappy rash is a common condition affecting babies, this article covers the issue.What causes Diaper rashThere are many potential reasons why your baby is suffering from diaper rash, common causes include:-Moisture, diapers are very absorbent but... 

Implantation Bleeding
Implantation is vital if your egg is going to be able to develop into an baby, this article covers this topic.Once fertilized your egg continues with its journey to your uterus where it digs itself into the lining and implants, The process of implantation... 

Losing your mucous plug
The Cervical mucus plug seals the cervical canal and helps to prevent infection entering the womb. This article discusses losing your plug.Your plug is also known as the Operculum.The Mucus plug is a solid plug composed of mucus its there to stop bacteria... 

HCG levels during early pregnancy
HCG levels are often talked about as they are significant during early pregnancy, this article explains more about the topic.HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormones are important, the level normally doubles every 48 hours during early pregnancy and i... 

Flat rate pension what do the changes mean
If you live and work in the UK then you need to be aware of a changes the government is making to pensions. This article covers this area.You might be wondering why I am writing about pension on a baby community site, well we all need to think ahead and p... 

Faint line on pregnancy test
We all know that pregnancy tests show a line if you are pregnant and nothing if you are not, but what about a faint line, or very faint line? What does that mean? This article cover the topic.There are several explanations for a faint line:-You are testin... 

How to increase your milk supply
If you are having issues producing enough milk for your baby, then this article is for you.Milk production is dependent on several factors, firstly the correct levels of the hormones in your body which initiate the production of milk. The second factor be... 

Am I Having a Boy or a Girl?
Am I Having a Boy or a Girl? Its the obvious question, this article discusses it.Author Siv KlemetsIs it important to know the sex of your baby as soon as possible? Most expecting parents want to know whether they are going to have a boy or a girl. Of cou... 

Is it Risky to Have a Baby after 30?
Are you planning to have a baby? Becoming a mother is probably the most significant decision in a woman's life because everything changes as soon as the child is born. Well, some women have been planning to have a baby for a long time, and unsurprisingly,... 

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