Your bundle of joy has arrived, but now you have a whole series of new issues to cope with, how to look after baby, caring and breastfeeding.
Keeping baby healthy and what diet is best for you and your little one.

How much does it cost to decorate babies bedroom?
Preparing the nursery is often the most daunting task for parents to be, which is perfectly understandable given that it is usually the most expensive part of preparing for a new baby. How much it actually costs for you to prepare you nursery very much d... 

Best colours for babies bedroom
When it comes to decorating babies bedroom you might find yourself stuck as to what colours to use, even if you know the gender of your baby this can still be a difficult decision to make, especially after hearing horror stories of people being told the w... 

Why does my baby cry
Anyone who has ever even seen a baby knows that babies cry, but until you have one of your own you may not have given much thought as to why babies cry. Babies cry for lots of different reasons, after all, it is their only means of communication. The good... 

What If My Baby is Super Sized? Macrosomia
What If My Baby is Super Sized?Before you panic about the possibility of something being wrong with your new baby, macrosomia is just the proper medical word that means over-sized. This is how doctors classify newborns that exceed the average birth weight... 

Foods that can improve your milk supply
Congratulations on your new baby and your decision to breastfeed. Breast milk is the only nutrition that your baby will need for the next several months. Breastfeeding allows you to provide your baby with a lot of natural immunity from your body, and also... 

Diaper Rash what does it look like
Diaper or Nappy rash is a common condition affecting babies, this article covers the issue.What causes Diaper rashThere are many potential reasons why your baby is suffering from diaper rash, common causes include:-Moisture, diapers are very absorbent but... 

How to increase your milk supply
If you are having issues producing enough milk for your baby, then this article is for you.Milk production is dependent on several factors, firstly the correct levels of the hormones in your body which initiate the production of milk. The second factor be... 

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